Where to go for your Christmas holidays?

Korsunskaya Darya
friday, 29 december 2017
To spend all 10 days of the Christmas holidays in the city run the risk of those who did not care about the winter holidays. And let Russian cities in winter are decorated so lavishly that resemble the scenery of fairy tales, there are places more interesting. In addition, the time spent outside the usual environment, will benefit the physical and mental health.

Skis, sledges and other true winter fun

Adults, and children waiting for winter because, I finally can get the balcony/basement/attic skis, sleds and other gear for winter fun. For such people there is nothing more beautiful, than to race down the snowy slopes, watching the beauty of Russian nature, which in the winter becomes charming and attractive.


And if in the yard on a sled you can ride, the lovers of skiing go to ski resort, where they'll have room for a single person or family, or a hunting Lodge. Such a database located in a mountain area, outside the city – like ski resort "Zaborov'ye". It is located on the highest point of the Valdai hills!

Guests, for the convenience of which offer rooms and individual houses, can enjoy the beautiful forest scenery, the peace and fresh air. Five-six days in such a situation will benefit those, who lives in a big and noisy city and had forgotten, how white and pure the snow is.

In the rooms travelers will find all the creature comforts and amenities for a comfortable stay, and near the base of the ski tracks of various difficulty with the lift: there are beginners, mastering skiing and snowboarding, and professionals.

Cultural education

Indifferent to sports entertainment, but uneven breathing to the architecture, history and delicious cuisine will not find a better way to spend the new year holidays, than a visit to the cultural capital of the country. We are talking about St.-Petersburg, the city, every street is soaked in culture, which inspires and which has collected in itself the best.


You can contact a travel Agency and book a tour, which cost includes accommodation, meals (basically, this paragraph refers only to the Breakfast at the hostel or hotel) and sightseeing. This is an ideal option for those, who do not like to puzzle over, where to stay, what to see in the first place, and that – in the past. After all the preparation for the trip sometimes takes so much time, forces and nerves, that the desire of culturally enlightened and the rest disappears.

But those, who are not afraid to plan every single detail of the journey, I advise you to go to Saint-Petersburg by car, train, bus and other available means, selected independently. We recommend tourists to choose a hotel or hostel and plan a cultural programme, though the latter may be resolved spontaneously and mood.

What do the residents of Saint-Petersburg, who were waiting for the Christmas holidays, for a change? To travel to Karelia by car! The beauty and diversity of natural monuments of these places are not exaggerated, and a one-way trip will take less than 10 hours. Only, what the travelers will have to seriously care – the cheerful company, which will not get bored during the trip.

There, where there is no winter

Sometimes to spend the winter holidays in places, where winter is virtually nonexistent – is also a great option to relax. Of course, we are talking about the Crimea. In contrast to the Central part of Russia, the winter in these territories is warmer and softer: the temperature rises to 15°C and rarely falls below 0°C.


In the winter of the Crimean beaches are not popular, the time should be spent to explore the local attractions, of which there are. The heritage of the Crimea are its numerous palaces, built centuries ago and is known not only for its architecture and grandeur, as the Royal personages, who lived in them, and the events, which happened in them. These include Livadia Palace. This majestic building, built in the early 20-th century, was the residence of the Royal family, and today in its walls arranged tours for those wishing to get acquainted with its rich decoration.


The main rival of the Livadia Palace – Massandra Palace, located in the southern part of the Crimea, in the Upper Massandra. Once Alexander III with the family spent in its walls for months. This Palace has opened its doors to tourists only in the 90-ies of the last century. Not less noteworthy are the Khan's Palace, known for the fountain of Bakhchisarai, and the swallow's nest – a symbol of the Peninsula.

In the village Malorechenskoye, surrounded by the most beautiful landscapes of the Crimean nature is a Temple of Prelate Nikolay Mirlikijskogo, which is known as Church-lighthouse. In the temple worship of the people, who gave their lives to the sea. Ground floor of the building is reserved for Museum of Maritime disasters – this place is a must see people, not indifferent to history; the Museum is renowned for its interesting exhibition, which is replenished every year.

Don't forget: no matter how you decided to spend the coming winter vacation, the main thing, that you can't leave the house is in a good mood and positive attitude, they will turn the days spent at the ski resort, in the cultural capital or in the South of Russia in the most wonderful and unforgettable Christmas adventure.