Recreation centers of Borovsky district Kaluga oblast
Popular water bodies Borovsky district
Borovsky district
Want to see the amazing temples and other cultural sites? Then you should plan on staying in Borovsk district, Kaluga region. In this area you can visit the extraordinarily beautiful Church. It pafnouty-Borovsky monastery, Annunciation Cathedral, temples of the Holy princes Boris and Gleb in Borovsk and Belkino, Church of the Transfiguration on the hill, the Church of the great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica in Ryabushky. Fans of antiquity will be able to go to the manor Belkino is the ancestral home of Russian nobility, which was frequently visited by Alexander Pushkin, Ivan Dmitriev, Nikolai Karamzin, and Pyotr Vyazemsky. Borovsk and its surroundings breathe tranquility and silence. They seem designed to distract from city bustle and to remember more important things.