Отели/Базы отдыха
Recreation centers of Duminichsky district Kaluga oblast
3 recreation centers in Duminichsky district
Popular services
Popular water bodies Duminichsky district
Duminichsky district
Tourists planning a holiday in Duminichsky district, has an excellent opportunity to see the cultural and religious life of the data edges. In the district there are several temples and churches that the locals are not only highly revered, but also constantly improving. In the village of Bryn is an ancient Church-the rotunda, the creation date which falls in 1846. In Duminichi is a temple in honor of the Holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, who saved the Emperor Alexander III and his family during a train derailment. Built in the early 20th century, this temple was completely burnt during a fire in 1932, but was then rebuilt.
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