TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan»

Kaluga region, Zhukovskiy R-n, village Inino
TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan»
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Equestrian center recreation Caravan is located in natural surroundings in the village Inino Kaluga region, a 3-minute walk from the banks of the river Kremenki. In addition to a variety of horseback riding, guests can relax in the sauna and a café-restaurant and barbecue in the fresh air.

Room fund

Comfortable rooms and chalets are decorated in a rustic style and includes a TV. Shared and private bathrooms. The Chalet features a kitchen with a stove, a microwave and a refrigerator.


On-site café-restaurant serving homemade dishes.


A restaurant and a garden with barbecue facilities, a sauna. The property features a stable with 18 horses, and offers free private Parking.

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Kaluga region, Zhukovskiy R-n, village Inino
Nearest settlement :
Orehovo - 8 km
Distance from:
Kaluga - 86.3 km
Moskva - 50 km
Tula - 122.3 km
Water bodies:
river Kremenka - 100 m
Resorts nearby:
Obninsk-Snow Park - 39.03 km
Mikhaylovskaya - 30.41 km
Zvenigorodskiy ran - 41.73 km
Prices may vary.
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Prices may vary.
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28 Февраля, пт
02 Марта, вс
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s dvumya razdelnyimi krovatyami  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s dvumya razdelnyimi krovatyami
2 people
No food
Separate beds Heating Facilities in the block/on the floor Shower
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
Separate beds Heating Facilities in the block/on the floor Shower Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator A stove Microwave Kettle
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s dvuspalnoy krovatyu  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s dvuspalnoy krovatyu
2 people
No food
2-bed Heating Facilities in the block/on the floor Shower
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
2-bed Heating Facilities in the block/on the floor Shower Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator A stove Microwave Kettle
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Malyiy kottedj  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Malyiy kottedj
2 people + 1 add.
No food
2-bed Sofa Heating Room amenities
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
2-bed Sofa Heating Room amenities Shower Satellite TV TV Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator A stove Microwave Kettle
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Odnoetajnyiy kottedj s kaminom  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Odnoetajnyiy kottedj s kaminom
2 people
No food
Separate beds Heating Fireplace Room amenities
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
Separate beds Heating Fireplace Room amenities Shower Satellite TV TV Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator A stove Microwave Kettle
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Panoramnyiy kottedj  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Panoramnyiy kottedj
3 people + 1 add.
No food
2-bed Heating Room amenities Shower
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
2-bed Heating Room amenities Shower Pets allowed Satellite TV TV Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator Microwave Kettle
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Dvuhetajnyiy kottedj  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Dvuhetajnyiy kottedj
4 people + 1 add.
No food
2-bed Heating Fireplace Room amenities
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
2-bed Heating Fireplace Room amenities Shower Satellite TV TV Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator A stove Microwave Kettle
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Bolshoy kottedj  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Bolshoy kottedj
6 people
No food
Separate beds 2-bed Sofa Heating
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
Separate beds 2-bed Sofa Heating Fireplace Bath/Sauna Room amenities Shower Satellite TV TV Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator A stove Microwave Kettle
 TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Kupolnyiy kottedj-sfera  TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan» Kaluga oblast Kupolnyiy kottedj-sfera
2 people + 1 add.
No food
2-bed Heating Room amenities Shower
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
2-bed Heating Room amenities Shower Pets allowed Satellite TV TV Kitchen Kitchenware Refrigerator Microwave Kettle


Bath Grill Gazebo Sauna
Bikes Horseback riding Ski Football
Food and drink
Restaurant, cafe, bar
Banquet hall Weddings

Rules and Policies

Arrival 14:00-00:00
Departure 12:00-00:00
Cancellations Cancellation conditions will be specified upon confirmation
The absence of the guest No-show is considered to be the arrival of the guest after 00:00 hours of the next day.
Penalty for no-show — % of the prepayment amount.

How to get there

Kaluga region, Zhukovskiy R-n, village Inino

By car:

  • On the Kaluga highway, 50 km to T-junction (after the village of "l'vovo"), to the right (under the arrow Kaluga). Straight for another 11 km, after the village of Kamenka blue pointers "Kaluga oblast", "Inino is 3.3". Immediately behind them to the right, a narrow paved road, it is 4 km ahead of which 3 km of asphalt road and 1 km of dirt (it passes through the village Inino). The stables are situated after the village Inino (approximately 300 metres), to the right on the hill (near the road, second gate).
  • On the Old Kaluga highway (via Podolsk) 60 km to the blue pointer (shield) "Kaluga oblast". Right behind him on the right, and on the main road 4 km ahead of which 3 km of asphalt road and 1 km of dirt (it passes through the village Inino). The stables are situated after the village Inino (approximately 300 metres), to the right on the hill (near the road).

 By public transport:

  • From the metro station "Teply Stan" – bus or bus No. 508 to the stop "Rynok Raven". From there by taxi (station is located directly in Voronovo, 20 meters from the stop) to the village Inino.
  • From the metro station "Teply Stan" – bus №1003 "Teply Stan – Daddy" before turning off the track (ask to stop at the signs "Kaluga oblast", "Inino 3,3"). Turn-a – ride or Shuttle service (by prior arrangement).
  • From the metro station "Bulvar Dmitriya Donskogo" – bus №1004 "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard – stove" to the last stop Kamenka. From there a taxi or Shuttle service (by prior arrangement).
  • From the Kiev station Express (1 hour 15 minutes) or local train to the station Balabanovo. Then take a taxi to the village Inino.
To copy the coordinates:
On map


rated based on 1 reviews
Service - 5     Rooms - 5     Food - 5
Сервис - 5 Размещение - 5 Питание - 5

Мы ездим в "Караван" уже третий год подряд: найдя один раз эту прекрасную конюшню, уже не можем остановиться. Здесь все с душой, все продумано и удобно для людей. Чудесные коттеджи с индивидуальным дизайном в стиле рустик, баня, множество вариантов активного отдыха, кафе с домашней едой (очень советуем борщ и квашеную капусту, которую готовит хозяйка кафе Оксана), и конечно действительно великолепные конные прогулки по роскошным русским полям, которые пышно цветут то желтым (сурепка), то фиолетовым (иван-чай), то белым (ромашка), осенью они коричневые от пожухлой травы, а по утрам и вечерам по полям стелется туман, создавая поистине сказочные пейзажи. Даже если вы никогда до этого не ездили на лошадях - настоятельно советуем приехать в "Караван" и попробовать: никто лучше Виталия (берейтор и тренер) не научит общаться и понимать лошадь, не расскажет так здорово про местных животных (на каждой прогулке встречаем то выдру, то следы кабана, то цапель в болоте).

TSentr konnogo otdyiha «Karavan»
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