Recreation center of Nizhneivkino
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Четыре жилых корпуса вмещают 95 одно- и двухместных благоустроенных номеров категорий «Эконом», «Стандарт» и «Комфорт». Общая вместимость санатория - 220 человек.
Recreation center
Kirov oblast, s Byistritsa
Размещение отдыхающих осуществляется в комфортабельные деревянные коттеджи различной вместимости со всеми удобствами.
Recreation center
Kirov oblast, d Saltyiki
Для размещения гостей предлагаются два уютных дома: Большой дом на 20 человек и Малый дом на 10 человек. Оба домика благоустроены и оснащены удобствами, есть оборудованная кухня со всем необходимым для приготовления пищи.
Wellness centre "nizhneivkino" is conveniently located on the outskirts of the village of the same name, nestled on the banks of the river Ivkino. This place has been famous for its mineral springs, which since the mid-twentieth century are widely used in the treatment of diseases. The existing health resort specializiruetsya primarily on the treatment of cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems, as well as respiratory, metabolic etc. in addition to mineral water, is widely apply therapeutic mud treatments, massages, baths, physical exercise, diet and various therapies. In addition to medical databases, health Spa provides a sauna, a Solarium, gym and other entertainment to stay at the resort "nizhneivkino" was not only useful but also interesting. In summer you can relax on the beach and boating and in winter skiing, sledding or skating.