Хорошее лечение! Тут уж не придерешься! и Персонал прекрасный, отзывчивый! Но номер, куда нас поселили чудовищен, ржавая душевая кабина, слой пыли под кроватью, диван просевший и в странных пятнах.... И это еще полулюкс!!!Возмутились, потребовали переселить, без особого сопротивления наше требование выполнили. Другой номер был мягко говоря потрепан сотнями гостей за многие годы, но по крайней мере чистый. Особенно контростирует это с ухоженной територрией, такая красота, а в здании бардак и разруха! Хочется чтобы такое хорошее место занялось наконец своим жилым фондом, и тогда прицепится будет просто не к чему!
Wellness complex «Desna»

The room Fund of the base can accommodate up to 329 people.
It offers comfortable single and double rooms with all amenities, standard rooms and two-, three-room category "Junior" and "luxury". All 168 rooms at the Wellness complex: 162 rooms of different categories from 1 to 4 persons, 4 town house, 2 cottages.
In the Main building: single standard (18 rooms), double standard (23 rooms), one bedroom double Suite (26 rooms), one bedroom double Suite (16 rooms), two-bedroom apartment (2 rooms).
1 housing: one-room standard (11 rooms), two double family rooms (9 rooms), two-room apartment (6 rooms).
In the building 2: double double (2 rooms), double (12 rooms), one-bedroom double apartment (3 rooms), two-bedroom triple apartment (3 rooms).
3 housing: one-room standard (18 rooms), one-bedroom double apartment (5 rooms), one-bedroom double family (7 rooms).
It offers 2 villas and 4 townhouses.
The hotel provides Breakfast buffet, you can order individual meals in the restaurant.
The sanatorium offers treatment General therapy, with a focus on cardiovascular disease.
You can consult the specialists in otolaryngology, gynecology, dermatology, psicoterapeuti, cardiology, fitoterapevta, dentistry and cosmetology.
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Included in cost
- Consultation: physician, physical therapist, and otolaryngologist (according to indications)
- Ignoratio, herbal tea collection, kislorodny cocktail (1 treatment for 2 days)
- Balneotherapy (One of the types: coniferous bath-pearl, sea, bischofite, licorice, carbonic, vortex)
- Physiotherapy (One species: electro-, light-, magnetic - or laser therapy)
- Hydrotherapy (One of the types: showers circular, fan, Charcot or ascending)
- Exercise therapy in group, 1 individual session
- Massage chair
- The provision of emergency medical care
- Sports complex (swimming Pool, sauna, pool, gym)
- Sports games on indoor and outdoor courts
- Cultural events
- The use of the library
- WI-FI in public areas
- Car Parking (1 place)
Rules and Policies
Arrival | 16:00-00:00 |
Departure | 18:00-00:00 |
Cancellations | Cancellation conditions will be specified upon confirmation |
The absence of the guest |
No-show is considered to be the arrival of the guest after 00:00 hours of the next day. Penalty for no-show — 0% of the prepayment amount. |
Children accommodation | Free of charge without a seat up to 3 years |
How to get there
Moscow, settlement Voskresenskoe
By car:
- 12 km from MKAD on the Kaluga highway, before p. "Desna", the gas station turn left at the traffic lights, following the sign "San. Gum 1", 1 km to the entrance gate of the recreation center "Desna".
By public transport:
- M. Teply Stan. The access to the buses No. 531, 512, 508 or route taxi № 398, 531, 521. To stop "Desna 1 km". At the traffic lights at the petrol station turn transition in the Health complex "Desna", 1 km to the checkpoint.
You can order a transfer beforehand at the reception.
Service - 4.7 Rooms - 3.3 Food - 4 |
Цены качеству услуг и отдыха не соответствуют. Персоналу нижайший поклон, видно что стараются, но сам санаторий увы, что называется "на троечку". Бассейн не работает, тренажерный зал вообще в другом месте, в баре нет никакого вина, одно пиво из слабо алкогольного, в целом питание посредственное (хотя порций и не жалеют). Номер видавший виды, с узким неудобным балконом, который вообще непонятно зачем нужен. Такое ощущение, что все заработанные средства за последние много-много лет Десна потратила на обустройство территории и терренкура прогулачного. Было бы проживание дешевле - вопросов бы не было! Но берут как в учреждениях классом повыше.
Не понравилось, что тренажерка в другом здании довольно далеко, ну хоть трансфер есть постоянный. В остальном всё устроило, хорошее место, что бы привести себя в тонус и отдохнуть душой. Номер понравился, в таком я бы сказал совестком стиле, но чистый и все в отличном состоянии, новое. Питание хорошее, хотя некоторые блюда лучше бы убрать из меню потому что повара с ними явно не справляются ну или я слишком привередливый. Персонал адекватный, вежливый. Привыкшим к люксовым лакшери-отелям здесь мне кажется не понравится, но я человек простой мне было - вполне!
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