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Recreation centers of the Pasha river (Baltiyskiy pool)
1 recreation centers of the Pasha river
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Pasha river
The Pasha river is a left tributary of the Svir river and flows through the territory of the Tikhvin district of the Leningrad region. The length of this river is 242 km, it takes Its name from the Karelian Pacchioni consisting of two words: "Paks" – a thick, strong, sturdy, and "joki" river. Pasha Bank is mainly flat, sometimes covered with beautiful coniferous and mixed forests. Camp site on the banks of the river Pasha is located in a cozy, clean corners and attract people who want to relax and unwind from the bustle of the city. Despite the proximity to the city, the river Pasha is rich with fish, this Chub, pike, bream, perch, and catfish. The most lucky fishermen can catch salmon.
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