Отели/Базы отдыха
Recreation centers of the Borovna river (Okskiy pool)
1 recreation centers of the Borovna river
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Borovna river
Borowna river – relatively small river, only 15 km in length. It originates in the suburbs, near the village of Kalugino and proceeds mainly on the territory of the Kaluga region through mixed forests. On Browne is the city of Kremenki and other smaller settlements; and along its banks are numerous birch and aspen. For her quiet, plain type, so stay on the river Borowna interesting, especially to fans of leisurely boat trips, secluded nature and the fresh forest air. Some come here to fish, but fishing in these areas is poorly developed. But popular Hiking trails along the river banks through picturesque forests, with a visit to the ancient city of Serpukhov.
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