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Recreation centers of the Guslica river
1 recreation centers of the Guslica river
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Guslica river
Flowing in picturesque places river Guslitsa stretches for about 36 km along the territory of the Moscow region. It is a tributary of the Nerskaya river, but has its own: gum, Suwayqa and Silence. Spend the rest on the river Guslitsa so give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and picturesqueness of the forests, boating and fishing. For the latter there are all conditions, from the atmosphere of serenity and privacy and ending with a diverse fish fauna represented by the tench, the gudgeon, perch, roach, crucian carp and other fish species. On Guslitsa common fishing not only from shore but from the boat, and the local anglers use a variety of tackle from fishing rods to nets.
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