Recreation centers of the Mras-su (Mrassu) river
Mras-su (Mrassu) river
The river MRAs-su is one of the main natural attractions of the Kemerovo region. It originates in the Abakan ridge and carries its waters through a Mountain Shoria, covering the territory of the Shor national Park. The length of the MRAs-su is more than 330 km. the valley is extremely picturesque, you can see a lot of beautiful mountain scenery, enjoy nature mixed forests and privacy. On the banks of the MRAs-su only a few settlements, which are located closer to the place where it flows into the Tom river. The most popular activities on the river MRAs-su is enjoyed by lovers of water extreme because of its violent rapids for great for tourist alloy. On the trail you can see a lot of scenic cliffs, and during the halt and on the shore – plenty of fish. In the waters of the MRAs-su graylings, pike, trout, roach and Dace.