Отели/Базы отдыха
Recreation centers of the Yagom-Yah river
1 recreation centers of the Yagom-Yah river
Yagom-Yah river
River Agom-S, which also has another name – Ahayah, flows through the territory of Tomsk region and is a tributary of the river Vasyugan. Throughout 94 km the river is calm, strong rifts and rapids is not found, which makes this uninteresting for the river rafters. Meanwhile, stay on the river Agom-S has other positive aspects: it will allow tourists to explore the amazing beauty of nature in Tomsk region, to enjoy peace and privacy during river trips on a rented boat or a boat. Vacationers will appreciate a variety of fish, which is represented by the following species: bream, perch, ruff, Dace, bream, pike, perch and others. Fishing on the river Agom-S allowed and boats, and from shore.
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