reka Buzim river

Buzyat, the river flows through the territory of Krasnoyarsk territory and is a tributary of the Yenisei. Its length is about 125 km away. this Brawl takes Its origin among the taiga forest, but then the nature of the coast becomes more diverse. In the upper river is dominated by dense forests and taiga hills, in the middle reaches of the forests and berry meadows, and in the lower reaches – vast meadows, groves and lakes. River water is rich in fish: home to pike, ruff, perch, gudgeon, Dace and carp, so the Brawl attracts numerous fishing enthusiasts. Also on the beach there is a beach where tourists can enjoy, relax, have a picnic and spend time with friends or family. In addition, during rest on the river Brawl, you can rent a boat and take a pleasant boat trip, and the local camp site will be happy to help in organizing such activities.