Recreation centers of the Zeya river (Amurskiy pool)
Zeya river
Zeya river flows through the territory of the Amur region, has a length of 1242 km. On its shores lie the city of Blagoveshchensk, the North and the see. In the upper course the river has the mountainous type, thereby creating favourable conditions for rafting in the picturesque terrain of the Zeya nature reserve. In the lower reaches of the reservoir becomes flat in nature, in this part of the river is easy to go on a quiet boat trip. Recreation the Zeya river offers its guests all possibilities for the most important local leisure – fishing. Its waters are inhabited by such representatives of fish as taimen, grayling, whitefish, pike, lenok, minnow and others. Common fishing both from a boat and from the shore, you can fish with the spinning rod, spinners, or networks.