Guest house «Aviator»

Leningrad region, Kirishi district, the village Kusina 29-й км
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Guest house Aviator is located in 10 km from the city of Kirishi in the grounds of a private airfield Kusina. In addition to the rooms there is a shared kitchen and a snack bar that will allow tourists to spend time at home with comfort.

Room fund

The room Fund of the hotel consists of rooms categories "standard" and two-level apartments.


It offers free Wi-Fi, snack bar, sauna, children's Playground.

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Leningrad region, Kirishi district, the village Kusina 29-й км
Nearest settlement :
Kirishi - 11 km
Distance from:
Velikiy Novgorod - 102.8 km
Sankt-Peterburg - 103.1 km
Water bodies:
river Tigoda - 3.15 km
river Kusinka - 1 km
Interesting places nearby:
Aerodrom Kusino - 200 m
Prices may vary.
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Prices may vary.
Check with the administrator
28 Февраля, пт
02 Марта, вс
Guest house «Aviator» Leningrad oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s dvuspalnoy krovatyu Guest house «Aviator» Leningrad oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s dvuspalnoy krovatyu
2 people + 1 add.
No food
Wardrobe Wardrobe 2-bed Balcony/terrace
Количество номеров:
See special conditions

Included in cost

  • Parking;
  • Wi-Fi.
Wardrobe Wardrobe 2-bed Balcony/terrace Heating Room amenities Bath Air conditioning Internet Satellite TV TV Hairdryer
Guest house «Aviator» Leningrad oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s razdelnyimi krovatyami Guest house «Aviator» Leningrad oblast 2-mestnyiy nomer s razdelnyimi krovatyami
2 people + 1 add.
No food
Wardrobe Wardrobe Separate beds Balcony/terrace
Количество номеров:
See special conditions

Included in cost

  • Parking;
  • Wi-Fi.
Wardrobe Wardrobe Separate beds Balcony/terrace Heating Room amenities Bath Air conditioning Internet Satellite TV TV Hairdryer
Guest house «Aviator» Leningrad oblast Dvuhurovnevyie apartamentyi Guest house «Aviator» Leningrad oblast Dvuhurovnevyie apartamentyi
4 people + 2 add.
No food
Wardrobe Wardrobe 2-bed Sofa
Количество номеров:
See special conditions

Included in cost

  • Parking;
  • Wi-Fi.
Wardrobe Wardrobe 2-bed Sofa Balcony/terrace Heating Bath/Sauna Room amenities Bath Air conditioning Internet Satellite TV TV Hairdryer Kitchen Refrigerator A stove Microwave Kettle


Bath Fireplace
Children's Playground
Food and drink
Wi-Fi Parking Laundry

Rules and Policies

Arrival 16:00
Departure 12:00
Cancellations Cancellation conditions will be specified upon confirmation
The absence of the guest No-show is considered to be the arrival of the guest after 00:00 hours of the next day.
Penalty for no-show — % of the prepayment amount.

How to get there

Leningrad region, Kirishi district, the village Kusina 29-й км

To copy the coordinates:
On map


rated based on 2 reviews
Service - 4.5     Rooms - 5     Food - No
Сервис - 5 Размещение - 5 Питание - Нет
Останавливались на одну ночь. Персонал очень доброжелательный. Номер чистый, в наличии шампунь, гель для душа, зубные щётки, станок для бритья и тапочки. Большая полностью укомплектованная кухня. Есть даже коллер с водой.
На территории есть часовня. Можно зайти в любое время.
Бронировали по телефону без предоплаты. Спасибо большое за гостеприимство. Рекомендую.

Сервис - 4 Размещение - 5 Питание - Нет

Неплохой отель, как раз то, что нужно если собрались полетать и нужно после где-то заночевать. 

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