Отели/Базы отдыха
Recreation centers of Lovozersky district Murmansk oblast
5 recreation centers in Lovozersky district
Popular resorts Lovozersky district
Lovozersky district
Lovozerskiy rayon, for the most part, is in the area of the tundra. In its territory are engaged in the production of meat is venison. Lovozero is forestry. Enterprises engaged in the manufacture of articles of fur. As Souvenirs you can buy wooden trinkets, clothes, shoes or hats.
The Lovozero district is famous for its fishing. Lake Lovozero is rich with fish. Here you can meet such fish as perch, whitefish, grayling, burbot. In many resorts you can go fishing. Camp sites are located far from city bustle in the beautiful protected areas.
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