The Demidov district

Demidov district covers an area of about 2500 sq. km in the North-Western part of Smolensk region. Here is dominated by flat terrain, many forests and wetlands, and rivers and lakes, which are famous for excellent fishing. Some of them, for example, lake and Wonder lake Akatovskoe, interesting from a historical and archaeological point of view: this ancient reservoirs, formed due to glacial runoff. Some of these areas included in the protected national Park "Smolensk lakes". However, stay in Demidov district, will be interesting for those who just want to spend time on the beach, go boating or admire the surroundings. And tourists interested in culture can visit the ancient temples of the XVIII-XIX centuries, to visit the estate Nikulin in Demidov, and Museum of Przhevalsky in the same village.