Были с семьей и друзьями. Очень красивый и теплый дом, всё продумано. Очень чисто и уютно. С удовольствием вернемся сюда еще раз, не только зимой для катания, но и летом - посмотреть город и Клязьму. Гора с подъемником находится через забор от дома, что очень удобно. Хозяева - замечательные люди. Спасибо!
Guest house «Pujalova izba»

Guest house "Puzhalova izba" is located in the historic town of Gorokhovets. Near the house there is a large natural Park and a modern ski complex "Puzhalova Gora". The house is designed in old Russian style and organically fit into the panorama of a medieval Russian city.
Guests can stay in this rustic hut, where you can touch the old man.
Guests can relax in the bath, which is located next to the guest house. The property offers a gazebo with a samovar. There is a nearby ski resort. In the vicinity there are grocery stores.
Check with the administrator
Rules and Policies
Arrival | 00:00 |
Departure | 00:00 |
Cancellations | Cancellation conditions will be specified upon confirmation |
The absence of the guest |
No-show is considered to be the arrival of the guest after 00:00 hours of the next day. Penalty for no-show — 0% of the prepayment amount. |
Children accommodation | Free of charge without a seat up to 3 years |
Special conditions |
Weekend and holidays may increase the minimum price of 7 000 RUB On weekdays (Monday to Friday) discounts are possible. For staying 7 nights or more can apply discounts up to 10%. "] |
How to get there
Vladimir region, Gorokhovets city
By car:
- to the City can be reached via the Federal highway M-7 Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod. The city is located on the edge of the Vladimir region, at the distance of 157 km from Vladimir. From Nizhny Novgorod to the City 80 km From Moscow - 333 km.
By public transport:
- from Moscow to Gorokhovets can be reached by train in the direction of Nizhny Novgorod. Follow to Vyazniki (just over 40 km from the City) or Il'ino (just over 20 km), next bus. Commuter train to go from Gorokhovets, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Vyaznikov.
Service - 5 Rooms - 5 Food - 5 |
Очарованы избой и её хозяйкой Ириной! Дом прекрасный, уютный, удобный, просторный, в стиле русской избы, с кружевными подзорами и домоткаными дорожками. Всё продумано до мелочей. Двор с беседкой, мангалом и вишнями! Всё - с огромным вкусом и истинным, неподдельным гостеприимством. Постараемся вернуться в Гороховец и Пужалову избу, которую уже рекомендуем всем друзьям.
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