Lovaty river

The Lovat is a river in the Baltic basin, which flows over 530 km from the Belarusian Zavisno lake to the mouth at lake Ilmen. This tranquil pond with relaxing natural surroundings. Particularly beautiful oak forest on the banks of the river.

Planning holidays at Lovat, it is worth remembering the Polistovsky and Nascom reserves, which preserved the unique landscapes of the southern taiga. History buffs will be interested to visit the archaeological complex near the city of Velikie Luki "town on the Lovat," and see the Parking lot of the iron age on the right Bank of the river.

Anglers in the tourist center of Lovat for ASP, pike, Sirte, the Podust, the white bream, eel, burbot, IDE, catfish, bream and beyond. Due to the small number of cities on the banks of the river is quite clean.