Pregolya river

The Pregolya river is the main waterway in the Kaliningrad region: it covers a variety of cities and towns and has a length of more than 120 km of Pregolya is a picturesque lowland river with a slow current; it built several locks and bridges, two of which are considered to be unique. While relaxing on the river Pregolya tourists nepremenno is familiar with the history of this region, enjoy a boat tour and admire the coast and located near attractions: for example, within the limits of Kaliningrad on its Bank is the Museum of the World ocean. In addition to tourists, the river coming in and the fishermen in its waters there are about 40 species of fish, including walleye, Northern pike, carp, trout, grayling and others. And the most fortunate manage to catch a rather large catfish and crabs.