Irkutskoe vodohranilische reservoir

The Irkutsk reservoir is located on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia and Irkutsk region. Reservoir is formed by the Irkutsk hydroelectric station on the Angara river. Irkutsk sea includes the famous lake Baikal. The catchment area is 154 km2. The surrounding landscape is presented as picturesque plains and majestic peaks of the Primorsky ridge. The coast is covered with mainly pine forests, but some deciduous species. Stay at the Irkutsk reservoir is very popular with locals and visitors to the region. Come here with tents, make water and Hiking, camping and practice ecotourism, and fishing. In the waters of the Irkutsk reservoir is inhabited by such representatives of the underwater world as taimen, grayling, Goldilocks and many others.