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Personal account
How to go to the Personal Cabinet?

After registration, you receive access to Personal account.

What I can do in my account?

Here you can:

  1. To track the status of your reservation and make changes to it in the section “Reservation”.
  2. Add any objects into the category of “Favorites”.
  3. To share impressions about the rest in the section “Reviews”.
  4. Write a message in the support section “Tickets”.
  5. To subscribe to news in the section “Subscription”.
  6. Change password, contact information, and link the accounts of the social.networks in the section “settings”

The ticket system is a system of rapid communication for any questions from employees of the company

Convenient than this system?

  • All correspondence is saved and can easily be restored on the unique ID of the ticket.
  • You get prompt answers to their questions.
  • Your question you can attach a file (text or image).

How to create ticket message?

The fastest way is to log on to the website and click on the envelope near the avatar, click "Create ticket".


Then state your question or suggestion, attach some files (if needed). Please note that the maximum size of uploaded files must not exceed 3MB. Click "Create" and wait for the reply.

Создание тикета

To view all tickets which have ever gone, you must click the link "tickets".

If the issue is resolved and ticket is closed and you want something to Supplement another, you can open it again, uncheck the box in the upper left corner of the ticket next to "Close ticket".

For your convenience, also includes the indicator online and offline. So you can always navigate if the operator is online, it means your request has already been processed; if the operator is offline, the ticket will be processed as soon as possible.

Other methods of communication with us.

Also, for your convenience, you can contact us through social networks or bot in Telegrams.

Vkontakte Вконтакте

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Твиттер


  1. Open Telegram.
  2. Search for the name of the Telegram. bot - Turbazabot.
  3. Click Start.
  4. Leave a message.


Contact numbers.

8 (800) 333-36-37 - free call in Russia.

+7 (812) 407-21-31 - Saint Petersburg.