Hotel «Gornaya Sloboda»

Hotel "Mountain village" is located on the edge of the village of Dakhovskaya in Adygea, on a large green area surrounded by mountains. Convenient location near the main transport route allows you to visit all the attractions of the region, and then to relax in comfort in one of the specially equipped sites.

Room fund

Accommodation is provided in double rooms on the first and second floor of the main building - with facilities and mountain views. There are detached houses with the original design Seating up to 9 people.


Self. The cottages have a kitchen for cooking.


The extensive grounds, several gazebos and barbecue areas, sports and children's playgrounds, a Banquet hall of 100 sqm in a separate building, a pond and a large guarded Parking lot.

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Nearest settlement :
- 45 km
Distance from:
Krasnodar - 132.9 km
Maykop - 45 km
Water bodies:
river Belaya - 860 m
Resorts nearby:
Plateau Lago-Naki - 19.34 km
Azish-Tau - 19.8 km
Interesting places nearby:
Bolshaya Azishskaya peschera - 16.7 km
Vodopadyi Rufabgo - 6.6 km
Dolmenyi Hadjoh - 11.7 km
Peschera Nejnaya - 12.5 km
Hadjohskaya tesnina - 8.7 km
Prices may vary.
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Prices may vary.
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28 Февраля, пт
09 Марта, вс
Hotel «Gornaya Sloboda» The Republic Of Adygea Dvuhmestnyiy nomer Hotel «Gornaya Sloboda» The Republic Of Adygea Dvuhmestnyiy nomer
2 people
No food
Separate beds Wardrobe 2-bed Chest
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
<p>Rooms with double bed or two single beds, fully bordered in wood or wood with a decorative plaster, on ground or first floor with views of the mountains.</p>
Separate beds Wardrobe 2-bed Chest Heating Room amenities Shower Bedside tables Table with chairs TV Refrigerator
Hotel «Gornaya Sloboda» The Republic Of Adygea Domik s bashney Hotel «Gornaya Sloboda» The Republic Of Adygea Domik s bashney
7 people + 2 add.
No food
Separate beds Wardrobe 2-bed Coffee table
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
<p>Two-storey house with veranda and barbecue. On the second floor - three separate bedrooms with one double and five single beds on the first floor - kitchen and living room with TV, dining table and large sofa.</p>
Separate beds Wardrobe 2-bed Coffee table Sofa Balcony/terrace Heating Room amenities Shower Bedside tables Table with chairs TV Kitchen Refrigerator Microwave Kettle
Hotel «Gornaya Sloboda» The Republic Of Adygea Domik Hotel «Gornaya Sloboda» The Republic Of Adygea Domik
6 people + 1 add.
No food
Separate beds 2-bed Chest Coffee table
Количество номеров:
See special conditions
<p>Two-storey house. On the second floor - two separate bedrooms with one double, two single beds and one folding chair. On the ground floor there is a large sofa in the TV room and the kitchen area.</p>
Separate beds 2-bed Chest Coffee table Sofa Heating Upholstered furniture Room amenities Shower Bedside tables TV Kitchen Refrigerator Microwave Kettle


Children's Playground

Rules and Policies

Arrival 14:00
Departure 12:00
Cancellations Cancellation conditions will be specified upon confirmation
The absence of the guest No-show is considered to be the arrival of the guest after 00:00 hours of the next day.
Penalty for no-show — % of the prepayment amount.

How to get there

1 km from the village of Dakhovskaya in the direction of Guzeripl.

To copy the coordinates:
On map


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Service - 0     Rooms - 0     Food - No
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